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Aldo Auto Portrait

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Final version

Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun

It started enthusiastically , then came the clouds !, so Pierre had to return the next day ! I had only just started when the sun disappeared again!
After a series of mad bursts of activity during every bright patch , the
shadows finally changed too much and I had barely finished the head.

Disappointingly , I had to finish the study with the aid of photographs.

I will post the finished painting soon .

Sunday 2 August 2009

Exaggerating colour to achieve luminosity

I consider myself a tonalist painter , but have been exaggerating colour
in order to convey the effect of bright sunlight.

This painting was done completely from life and from my colour
sketch posted a few weeks back.It measures 28 x 20 inches.

Monday 20 July 2009

A simple study

Less is more , how simple can one take it ?
Something for me to mull over .

Friday 17 July 2009

portrait of Edmund 30 x 28 "

This is the latest stage of my commission of Edmund after tweaking with the background a
little more. I was concerned in finding interesting shapes in the composition so it worked as an abstract design.

Wednesday 1 July 2009

back door study

Recently , I have been painting directly from life a great deal.
I enjoy it far more than from photographs . It is much easier to
see subtle colours and tones with your own eyes.

I have completed this sketch , I say sketch , as it was completed in two
separate days about an hour each. The light changes so quickly so I had to do
it like that.

I have had this painting in mind for 2 years, it is our back door to the garden.

The painting is about 12 x 9 inches.