This a portrait demo that I did recently for my agent and appears on www.commissionaportrait.com under the info link .It is my daughter Gemma and was done in oils on paper sized with lead white.
First I sketched in with a filbert using Trans.Oxide Red and Viridian, slightly diluted in essence of Turpentine.Then putting in the darkest areas with Trans. Oxide Red and Ivory black. The mid tones were put in using varying mixes from the following colours , Alizarin Crimson, Cad.Red Light,Cobalt Blue,Yellow Ochre,Viridian and Titanium White.I normally find the areas around the mouth and temples more green due to the underlying veins.
Apart from the first stages and on some of the background no medium was used.
The highlight on the cheek took a couple of attempts and had to be
scraped off.
These are typical of the
studies I do for a portrait commission.
beautiful painting. I'm a newcomer, but huge fan of your work already!
Your portraits are so incredibly beautiful. Thank you for the demos.
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