This portrait of Richard Smith was completed from
my 3-4 hours study and photo Reference.
I used very long brushes which allowed me to paint
from a distance of about 1m.It is something I used
a few years ago and it lends itself to a more painterly
Astonishing work as always Aldo, I am true fan of your art. Tell me the secret of the color palette used for the skin tones on Richards face please.
Thankyou Jasmine. I used Titanium white, transparent red oxide (Mainly in the shadow areas as they were warm) Alizarin Crimson,Yellow ochre,
Cadmium light yellow,Cobalt blue and Ivory black.The area where he shaves
is just White,yellow ochre,cobalt blue and a little alizarin crimson in
the pinker areas.The highlights all had cobalt blue mixed in as they were cooler.
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